
THE BEET - April 9


NicolaSturgeon hails growth in exports to China as visit begins

Reflectinggrowing interest from Chinese Consumers, the Scottish First Minister is inBeijing to promote Scottish products and to meet with Government officials andlocal businesses. Recent figures show a 150-percent increase in Scottish foodand drink exports to China in the last decade, with Scotch Whiskey salesleading the way. In the last year, Scottish exports to China have grown over40-percent. With visits to Shanghai and Hong Kong later this week, the FirstMinister hopes to continue to strengthen Scotland's International brandrecognition and cultural impact abroad. [Full article]

Newlabel aims to help drinkers find eco-friendly wines

Have you noticed a "California CertifiedSustainable" logo on California wines? While similar labels have been inuse for some time now, this is the first label to certify the wine itself. Thiscertification comes with certain requirements: Wineries must meet 58 individualrequirements for their vineyards, along with 37 for the winery. While normalsustainable requirements are met, like avoiding pesticide and herbicide use,this program also includes areas like water conservation, habitat protection,and greenhouse gas emissions. As of November of last year, 127 wineries,accounting for 74-percent of California's wine production, were under theumbrella of the program. [Fullarticle

Bread and butter lift global food prices

For the second consecutive month, the UN Food andAgriculture Organization's food price index has shown growth, a 1-percentincrease in the last month, and a net gain of 0.7-percent from the previousyear. Leading the way are cereals and dairy, bolstered by a 12-percent annualincrease to cereal grains and a 3.3-percent increase to dairy. Prices forgrains continue to rise among fears of dry weather in the US and wet conditionsin Europe. These gains are partially offset by a 30-percent drop in sugar and a6-percent drop in vegetable oils over the previous year.[Fullarticle]

Alibaba gobbles up Chinafood delivery app Ele.me in $9.5bn deal

Alibaba's recent purchase of Ele.me, China'slargest food delivery company, will directly pit it against Tencent in a marketvalued at $32B USD in 2017. This comes as both Companies look to grow theirbusinesses through aggressive mergers and acquisitions in an effort to lureConsumers to spend more time and money on their sites. Highlighting China'sonline to offline model that blends physical spending with online ordering andbooking, the Ele.me acquisition furnishes Alibaba with nearly half of China'sonline food delivery market, followed closely by Meituan-Dianping, which isbacked by Tencent. [Fullarticle]

SIAL China, Asia’slargest food innovation exhibition, is held annually in Shanghai from May 16 toMay 18. For more information, go to www.SIALChina.com, or contact us at: info@sialchina.cn

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