
Food Exhibition|Organic Food: A Healthy Choice Returning to Nature


In today's society, as people increasingly pursue a healthy lifestyle, organic food has gradually become a new favorite on the dining table. So, what is organic food? How does it differ from the common food we see every day? Why is the price of organic food relatively high? And how can we recognize genuine organic food? Food Exhibition will introduce to you comprehensively the characteristics and value of organic food.


What is Organic Food?


Organic food, also known as ecological or biological food, is a relatively unified term internationally for pollution-free natural food. It usually comes from organic agricultural production systems and is processed according to international organic agricultural production requirements and corresponding standards. This mode of production emphasizes not using chemically synthesized pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, and other substances in agricultural production, nor does it adopt genetic engineering technology. Instead, it follows natural laws and ecological principles, achieving ecological balance and sustainable development through agricultural technical measures such as crop rotation, intercropping, and multiple cropping, as well as pest control methods like biological and physical control.


Three Key Words for Organic Food


Prohibition: The production and processing of organic food absolutely prohibit the use of artificially synthesized substances such as pesticides, fertilizers, and hormones, and the use of genetic engineering technology is not allowed.


Soil: There are strict regulations for the land production transition of organic agricultural products. It takes 2 to 3 years for the land to transition from producing other agricultural products to producing organic agricultural products to ensure that residual substances in the soil are fully degraded.


Certification: Organic food must go through a strict certification process, including on-site inspection and testing certification. When sold, the China Organic Product certification mark and a copy of the certification certificate should be displayed in an appropriate location. At the same time, the product packaging should have the organic product mark, and each type of organic fruit and vegetable will have an organic traceability code for consumers to trace the origin.


Misconceptions about Organic Food


Although organic food is highly regarded, there are still some misconceptions. For example, some people believe that organic food is "pure natural" or "wild" food, but in fact, organic food is produced through organic agricultural methods, not entirely wild. In addition, some people believe that the nutritional value of organic food must be higher than that of ordinary food. Although organic food is safer, there is not necessarily a significant difference in nutritional value.


Why Choose Organic Food?


Safety: Organic food does not use chemically synthesized pesticides, fertilizers, and other substances in the production process, thus reducing harmful substance residues in food and improving food safety.


Health: Organic food is rich in beneficial components such as phenolic acids and antioxidants, which help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


Environmental Protection: Organic agricultural production methods help protect the ecological environment and reduce the pollution of soil, water sources, and air by pesticides and fertilizers.


Why is Organic Food Expensive?


The relatively high price of organic food is mainly due to the following reasons:


High Production Costs: Organic agricultural production requires more labor and time investment, and the land transition period also increases costs.


Low Yield: Since chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not used, the yield of organic agricultural products is usually lower than that of traditional agriculture.


High Certification Costs: Organic food must go through a strict certification process, and the certification costs are also a significant expense.




As a healthy choice returning to nature, organic food is gradually becoming popular among more and more consumers. By understanding the definition, characteristics, misconceptions, and selection methods of organic food, we can better enjoy the health and deliciousness brought by organic food.


If you would like to learn more about the food industry, please visit the SIAL China website for more information.


Source: Life Doughnut

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