
sial shenzhen | Why is less salt recommended for these vegetables?


In most people's minds, vegetables are particularly "light" in flavor. However, when some vegetables are stir-fried without adding much salt, they still feel "snorey".


  In Sial Shenzhen and most people's impression, vegetables are particularly "light" food. However, some vegetables in the frying obviously did not add much salt but still feel "snore panic", which in the end what is the reason? In this regard, China Agricultural University, Food Science and Nutritional Engineering Associate Professor Wu Xiaomeng in an interview with the "China Consumer News" reporter explained that some vegetables because of the high sodium content, so frying should pay attention to do not "equal treatment", regardless of which kind of vegetables are added to the same amount of salt, so as not to intake of more sodium, to the body to increase the burden. The same amount of salt should be added to all kinds of vegetables so as not to consume more sodium and add burden to the body.


  Wu Xiaomeng analysis, high sodium content of vegetables, including celery, Chrysanthemum, radish, cabbage, bok choy, cabbage, oilseed rape, parsley, spinach, etc. (per 100 grams of sodium content of 40 milligrams to 100 milligrams), cooking can be less salt. Vegetables are mainly leafy greens, so use less salt when cooking. For example, fennel contains 186.3 mg of sodium per 100 grams, coriander has 161.3 mg of sodium per 100 grams, and celery stems have 159 mg of sodium per 100 grams. If it is the thick kind of celery, the sodium content can reach 313.3 mg per 100 grams. Therefore, you should use less or even no salt when cooking vegetables like fennel, celery and corns.


  Salt is mainly composed of chloride and sodium ions, and sodium is an electrolyte, one of the elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body's cells. Sodium ions help maintain water balance, nerve conduction, muscle contraction and other important physiological processes in the body. However, if too much sodium is consumed, it may cause health problems such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Therefore, the World Health Organization World Health Organization recommends that adults eat 2 grams of sodium per day, which is roughly equivalent to 5 grams (about a teaspoon) of sodium salt.


One might argue that most of the vegetables that seem to be high in sodium are leafy greens. So is it true that leafy greens should be eaten less or even not eaten at all? Wu Xiaomeng said, leafy greens themselves are very high in nutritional value, for the higher sodium content of vegetables, as long as we do mind, pay attention to reduce the amount of salt can be, there is no need to give up in order to control salt them. Of course, you can also choose to blanch with water before cooking, which is conducive to removing some of the sodium, but also more quickly cooked.


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